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School trips to Morocco

Sustainable Development in Action

Andrew Dimberline and Luke Goodman of Bristol Grammar School Geography Department have created a website to enable the work of Education for all Morocco to be studied in School Geography. The web address is

From Andrew and Luke …

The rationale for creating the website is that we have included a unit on ‘Barriers to Development’ in our Y9 Geography course for several years and have used the Education for all Morocco (EFA) charity as a case-study of how the lack of access to education is a barrier to development and the importance of educating girls. However, we tended to use our own knowledge of the work of EFA and the EFA website as the main resource and we thought a website would provide more structure and consistency across the department and a resource we could easily update and share.

The website can either be used for students to explore and create their own case-study or can be used in a more structured way working through the tasks and activities. It is intended to be for students from Y9 upwards.

We welcome any feedback and suggestions for improvement – specifically other activities and questions/resources we can include.

If you contact they will pass this feedback on to us.


To see a 20-minute documentary of the work of Education For All, visit and use the password EFA